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SSH Secure Collaboration Suite Product Update

Learn about the details of the latest releases.

SSH Secure Collaboration Suite version 3.17

SSH Secure Collaboration Suite, all products

  • Updated new product names to user interfaces.

  • Changed SSH Deltagon name in footer to SSH Secure Collaboration.

  • Fixed nftables not starting after update in multinode setups.

  • Fixed several bugs and updated some dependencies in the installer.

  • Fixed bug in LDAPv2 introduced with the LDAPv3 paging feature (3.15) on D-center.

  • Fixed a case where in rare conditions instance deletion would removing some configurations from another instance with a similar name on D-center.

  • Fixed pdf attachment header/metadata rules not working on D-network.

Secure Mail

  • Fixed an issue with setting Mail OTP as the default authentication method when configured to do so.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented password reset links from being delivered in some cases.

Secure Forms

  • Fixed multiple accessibility issues that didn't align with WCAG standards.

  • Fixed date selector having very limited range.

  • Fixed text area question fields not growing vertically.

  • Fixed secure extension being incorrectly hardcoded for report sender addresses.

Secure Sign

  • Fixed a bug that prevented starting signing processes through Outlook plugin/email.


SSH Secure Collaboration Suite version 3.16


Secure Mail, Secure Sign, Secure Rooms, and Secure Forms

  • Added support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (RHEL 9) and its Alma/Rocky clones.

SSH Deltagon Suite version 3.15



Table of Contents

1. Secure Mail
2. Secure Rooms
3. Secure Forms


New and again improved SSH Deltagon Suite so that you can unlock your full secure business communications potential.

We all want to avoid the business and potential legal complications that can come with confidential or even restricted data not being treated with the utmost care it should be. Encryption, enforcing access controls, and limiting the actions that can be performed with information, including editing, sharing, forwarding, or signing provide a solid basis to ensure confidential and restricted data stay confidential and restricted.

Deltagon Suite comprises products for producing, sending, signing, collecting, and sharing confidential and sensitive data across organizations in a highly secure fashion. The Suite consists of secure encrypted emails, workspaces, signatures, and web forms. It protects the processing and sharing of vital business information with robust security not available in standard information-sharing tools. SSH Deltagon Suite supports deployments in the cloud, on-premises, and hybrid environments.

With this latest release, we have brought some new and improved features for you to utilize.


1. Secure Mail

  • Improved accessability
    • Added a mechanism to by-pass top-bar
    • Closing the Addressbook sets focus to the Addressbook-button
    • Disclaimer page correctly focuses from left to right
    • Added missing lang-attribute to the help-page
    • Added a warning to the printer-button that it opens in a new tab
    • Fixed error messages not getting focused when an error appears
  • Fixed sending text messages that exceeded 160 characters
  • Fixed a case where an international format phone number was treated as invalid in SMS logout
  • Fixed LDAP queries that resulted in higher than 1000 results
  • Fixed a vulnerability
  • Fixed a case where a signature could disappear when using SMS authentication


2. Secure Rooms

  • Fixed SAML authentication to work correctly alongside other authentication methods


3. Secure Forms

  • Added pdf extension to the filename field in XML for the pdf report

SSH is committed to protecting our customers' critical data and continuously improving SSH Deltagon Suite towards that end. If you are not yet familiar with SSH Deltagon Suite, here you can find the information on SSH Deltagon Suite: Secure business communications suite >

If you are already our customer and want more detailed information, please contact us >

SSH Deltagon Suite version 3.14



Table of Contents

1. Secure Sign
2. Secure Rooms
3. Secure Mail


New and again improved SSH Deltagon Suite so that you can unlock your full secure business communications potential.

We all want to avoid the business and potential legal complications that can come with confidential or even restricted data not being treated with the utmost care it should be. Encryption, enforcing access controls, and limiting the actions that can be performed with information, including editing, sharing, forwarding, or signing provide a solid basis to ensure confidential and restricted data stay confidential and restricted.

SSH Deltagon Suite comprises of products for producing, sending, signing, collecting, and sharing confidential and sensitive data across organizations in a highly secure fashion. The Suite consists of secure encrypted emails, workspaces, signatures, and web forms. It protects the processing and sharing of vital business information with robust security not available in standard information sharing tools. SSH Deltagon Suite supports deployments in the cloud, on-premises, and in hybrid environments.

With this latest release, we have brought some new and improved features for you to utilize.

1. Secure Sign

  • Added character length limit to the subject in the report message
  • Added users who can start signing processes to the statistics page

2. Secure Rooms

  • Fixed a bug in the user editor where the loading circle would not disappear in certain conditions
  • Improved error logging with ClamAV
  • Added option to reset a password for the user when using TOTP authentication
  • Added internal and external users to the statistics page

3. Secure Mail

  • Added option in D-Compose dropdown configuration to fetch emails from D-Envelope UAC
  • Fixed decoding of base64 encoded multiline filenames for attachments
  • Fixed a rare issue where data sync did not function properly
  • Added option to display stats per instance in the system overall statistics

SSH is committed to protecting our customers' critical data and continuously improving SSH Deltagon Suite towards that end. If you are not yet familiar with SSH Deltagon Suite, here you can find the information on SSH Deltagon Suite: Secure business communications suite >

If you are already our customer and want more detailed information, please contact us >

SSH Deltagon Suite version 3.13



Table of Contents

1. Secure Sign
2. Secure Rooms
3. Secure Forms
4. Secure Mail


New and again improved in SSH Deltagon Suite so that you can unlock your full secure business communications potential.

We all want to avoid the business and potential legal complications that can come with confidential or even restricted data not being treated with the utmost care it should be. Encryption, enforcing access controls and limiting the actions that can be performed with information, including editing, sharing, forwarding, or signing provide a solid basis to ensure confidential and restricted data stay confidential and restricted.

SSH Deltagon Suite comprises products for producing, sending, signing, collecting, and sharing confidential and sensitive data across organizations in a highly secure fashion. The Suite consists of secure encrypted emails, workspaces, signatures, and web forms. It protects the processing and sharing of vital business information with robust security not available in standard information-sharing tools. SSH Deltagon Suite supports deployments in the cloud, on-premises, and hybrid environments.

With this latest release, we have brought some new and improved features for you to utilize.

1. Secure Sign

  • Added support for the new format of the Finnish social security number
  • Added information on authentication method used when verifying documents in the verify service
  • Added new feature that allows hiding email information from other signers during the signing process and when verifying documents
  • Added new button in the Stats service that allows to reset search results
  • Improved the look and feel when adding new signer to the process after signing
  • Improved the UI to automatically tap checkboxes when inserting data in configurations in the process starting additional settings tab
  • Added default disclaimer text automatically when editing disclaimers in D-Center if disclaimer was empty or edited for the first time
  • Added new column to the User editor page in D-Center that shows the group user is in

2. Secure Rooms

  • Added support for the new format of the Finnish social security number
  • Fixed SSN checking when it could be incorrect in rare cases

3. Secure Forms

  • Added support for the new format of the Finnish social security number

4. Secure Mail 

  • Added support for the new format of the Finnish social security number
  • Fixed footer link to be correct


SSH is committed to protecting our customers' critical data and continuously improving SSH Deltagon Suite towards that end. If you are not yet familiar with SSH Deltagon Suite, here you can find the information on SSH Deltagon Suite: Secure business communications suite >

If you are already our customer and want more detailed information, please contact us >

SSH Deltagon Suite version 3.12



Table of Contents

1. Secure Sign
2. Secure Rooms
3. Secure Forms
4. Secure Mail

1. Secure Sign

  • Added new configuration to require signers to accept legal conditions
    • Admin users can configure conditions that need to be accepted before proceeding with the signing
  • Added a new feature to allow signing methods to be defined per signee
    • Admin users can configure that process starter can select signing methods individually for each signer
  • Improved Report Templates with new features
    • Report Templates can now select default signing methods that will be selected when the template is selected. The selected defaults can also be forced on users.
  • Added option to configure lifetime for processes
    • Process starters can configure a lifetime for the process. If the process is not completed by the set date, it will be automatically rejected by the system.
  • Removed signing restrictions with the same SSN.
    • Signers can now sign using the same SSN for authentication if they are in different roles in the same signing process.
  • Added Azure AD integration.
  • Added new configuration to allow setting notification sending interval.
    • This configuration allows changing the notification interval from the previous default of every day to X days.
  • Improved logging for signd.
  • Disabled Vetuma and Tupas authentication methods.
  • Added signer's name to the info box next to the signer on the sign page.


2. Secure Rooms

  • Added Azure AD integration
  • Disabled Instant Messaging by default
    • The Instant Message feature has been put behind a config which by default is disabled.
  • Added a new column to the Users table which shows the user's last activity date
  • Fixed vulnerabilities


3. Secure Forms

  • Fixed a lot of WCAG accessibility issues
  • Fixed prefill feature not functioning as intended
    • Prefill should work more logically and respect the authentication methods set by forms
  • Added single and double quotes as allowed characters in custom email reports
  • Fixed emoticons bug when re-arranging options
  • Improved the UI in the User creation page


4. Secure Mail

  • Added multithreading support
    • Sending emails now supports multithreading which can greatly reduce the time emails are processed and sent when dealing with large amounts of emails.
  • Added a new feature to send a new notification message for old messages
    • The message tool now has a new option to send the notification message again
  • Improved Addressbook functionality
    • Admin users can now configure the address book to not automatically save all addresses and prevent automatic cleaning of addresses.
  • Added new configuration to allow non-registered users to request read receipt
  • Added new configuration to allow changing SMS authentication max tries amount from the previous default of 3 tries to X tries.
  • Disabled Vetuma and Tupas authentication methods
  • Fixed a rare bug with e-suomi authentication when the instance name was not a match to esuomi_client configuration
  • Enabled SPF by default for new instances
  • Added clean-up cycle for expired registered users

SSH is committed to protecting our customers' critical data and continuously improving SSH Deltagon Suite towards that end. If you are not yet familiar with SSH Deltagon Suite, here you can find the information on SSH Deltagon Suite: Secure business communications suite >

If you are already our customer and want more detailed information, please contact us >

Our Service Desk will be in contact with you if updating is agreed to be done by us in your contract. Otherwise, you may contact us or a Deltagon partner if you wish the update to be done by us or to receive further instructions on how to update.